Stage 2: Devise Solution to Determine Feasibility

This stage is all about generating ideas on HOW to solve the problem that has been identified in the first stage, speed up prototyping to validate the solution direction and determine the feasibility of the solution in the user’s context.

Here are the most important steps of this Stage:

Step 1: Ideation

Too often we commit the mistake of sticking to the idea that originally came to our minds when we first thought of the problem space. In fact, we don’t just think about the problem; most of the ideas are for a specific solution without regard to whether the solution is feasible in the context of the user. What ends up happening is that we polish our idea to a point where it takes the shape of a shiny object ready to be used by the user. However, when the user is first shown the solution, the reality hits us that for reasons unbeknownst to us, the user does not find the solution useful and is not enthused by it. The solution ends up being a shiny ornamental object on the shelf of our metaphoric living space.
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Step 2: Prioritization

Once you have generated these ideas, it is time to start prioritizing the ideas so that you can filter the ones you could quickly prototype and test with the users. Prioritization could be done in many ways.
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Step 3: End-to-end Experience Vision

A storyboard is used to convey the future vision of how the user will experience the solution. For each of the boxes below, draw a scene and then write an explanation just below the box, like a comic strip.
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Steps 4 & 5: Prototype and Test

In this step, I’ll describe in more detail the essence of prototyping, why it is not just important, but critical, and how to go about prototyping your ideas and solutions.
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Step 6: User Case

A use case explains how a user interacts with the solution for a perceived benefit. It is important to understand that the benefit may not be tangible and real – it could be emotional or psychological. Most teams fall into the trap of just focusing on the capabilities or features of the solution and do not put an effort into understanding how that particular capability benefits the user. To be able to do that, you must have empathy with the user.
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Step 7: Experience Implications

Before you continue to build a productive solution or consider business value aspects, it is important to look at the implications of your future experience vision. These implications could be both dependencies and influences on other entities that may improve or diminish the overall value of the solution.
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