End-to-end Experience Vision

A storyboard is used to convey the future vision of how the user will experience the solution. For each of the boxes below, draw a scene and then write an explanation just below the box, like a comic strip. A best practice in creating a storyboard is to convey the story as follows:
1. Introduce the persona with:
a. pain points.
b. goals.
c. motivations.
2. Convey the user context, including:
a. triggers in the environment to cause this experience.
b. tools used by the user.
3. Show user’s experience as they use your new solution.
4. Depict emotions where you see necessary.
5. End with a successful completion of the job.

Show your storyboard to your users/customers and get feedback. Identify opportunities for realizing the solutions using technology in the storyboard.

Don’t get hung up on the quality of your drawing. Just using simple stick figures with text in callouts and smileys should be sufficient. The main idea is to show the future journey of the user and get feedback.

For each scene of the experience vision, think about the systems, tools and stakeholders the target user will rely upon. Pay close attention to all the elements that you are expecting the target user to rely upon in the future experience and ask yourself whether this new experience is plausible in the target user’s context?

1. End-to-end experience vision template

Here's the template of End-to-end experience vision:

(a) End-to-end experience vision template.

2. End-to-end experience vision Example

Here's an example of End-to-end experience vision:

3. Guidance

Session Lead
Collecting the most practical ideas from the prioritization matrix, your goal will be to stitch these ideas together to craft a future experience vision.

Open Collaboration
Once the team understands the various most practical ideas, the team should discuss how these ideas could be brought to bear to create a future that would help solve the user’s problem in a manner that would delight the
user. You should perform this step with a mind-set which keeps the user as the key protagonist trying to overcome obstacles while performing a job, achieving a goal and realizes the vision. You should be next to a whiteboard
with markers to jot down your thoughts and concepts for clarity of understanding and tangibility of concepts. You may leverage the following ways of capturing the essence of the future experience vision:
◾ Freehand drawing
◾ Use case modeling
◾ Flow charting
◾ Describing in words
◾ Mind mapping
◾ Using block diagram
This is a collaborative team exercise. Following the sequence of the storyboard of the future end-to-end experience vision as depicted in the figure above, describe each scene on a sticky note and place on the wall. Continue from the beginning to the various scenes in the middle and conclude with the successful completion of the job.

Don’t worry about the quality of the experience vision in the first few iterations. This will require multiple iterations before you are comfortable with the experience vision. As you review and improve the experience vision several times, you’ll see remarkable improvements in each iteration. You’ll also get an idea whether the experience vision that you are creating makes sense in general and for the user, in particular. Once you and your team are comfortable with the experience vision, use the template and craft the storyboard. Each scene of the storyboard includes an image or diagram depicting the scene as well as a description of the scene in words. Again, do not worry about the quality of the image; just use stick figures and callouts to convey the happenings in the scene.

Once you have the future experience vision storyboard completed, stand back and review it and see if it makes sense. Expect to adjust it as many times as you deem necessary. You may be moving the scenes back and forth, adding or deleting scenes, updating beginning and ending several times before you have a version that you are comfortable with.

Point to Note
Up to this point, you have not invested any time and resources in building the actual solution. You have used no technology, no software, no hardware or any other devices. What you have been able to do so far is write down the future vision in the form of a story that conveys the essence of the solution. Doing that also helped you place yourself into your user’s shoes to see whether the future experience vision would help solve the user’s problem in a manner that is desirable and usable. It is important to highlight that this approach helps you have a view of the future without too much investment. In the next step, we’ll explore other forms of prototyping to help you move toward your vision in an agile manner.

3.1 Document Assumptions

After the session, the session lead should ask the team to write down all the assumptions made and record those assumptions in assumptions template in Stage 4.

3.2 Review Prior Steps

Review the prior steps and adjust as needed with the consensus of the team.