Contextualise Customer's Current Journey

Current Journey

To understand the user’s perspective and be in his/her shoes, build the customer journey in the context of your idea. The goal is to have a holistic and comprehensive understanding of the user’s context and build empathy with the user. Depending on the situation, you may sketch multiple customer journeys for each persona.

1. Current Journey Template

Document current journey in the following template:

Current Journey Template

2. Current Journey Example

Here's an example of Current Journey:

Current Journey Example

2.1 Guidance

Session Lead
Ask the team to write all the steps the user does in his/her journey.
◾ List the steps the user takes in the context of the problem space.
◾ For each step, identify touch points, which are systems, resources and
people that the user relies upon to perform that step.
◾ Then go through the user’s emotional state of mind while performing each step.
◾ Give red and green voting dots to participants and ask them to highlight pain points and moments of truth.
◾ “Moments of truth” are the points where the user is most susceptible to emotional influence.
Use different coloured sticky notes for steps, touch points and emotions.
As you complete the journey map, go through the emotions and draw a line to depict highs and lows from users’ emotional aspects.

15-minute Self-brainstorm
Give everyone on your team fifteen minutes to jot down thoughts for steps,
touch points and emotions for each user.

Team Brainstorm
Everyone comes to the board and explains each sticky note as they paste it on the wall.
The team should review the steps, touch points and emotions and move sticky notes around to reflect the journey of the user.
Use a marker to traverse the emotional state of the user throughout the journey to highlight the emotional journey of the user as well.
Once the journey map steps, touch points and emotions are completed, hand over red dots and green dots to each team member. Everyone should place red dots on sticky notes to indicate pain points for the user and green dots to indicate “moments of truth” for the user. Paint points are, as the
name suggests, difficulties that the user encounters while going through the journey. “Moments of truth” are the points where the user is emotionally vulnerable. In other words, these are the points where you could influence the user the most.
Put yourself into the user’s shoes and walk through this journey to build empathy with the user.

2.2 Document Assumptions

After the session, the session lead should ask the team to write down all the assumptions that you are making and record those assumptions in the assumptions template in Chapter 6. In case there are disagreements about any aspect of the user journey, make an assumption of the most likely scenario and document that assumption in the assumptions section as well.

2.3 Review Prior Steps

Review the prior steps and adjust as needed with the consensus of the team.